How To Disembark A Speeding Brain




Dates: Thu 6 Oct 2022

Times: Doors open @ 19:00
19:30 - 21:30 (2 hours)

Location: SPILL Think Tank

Tickets: PWYC £5 / £7.50 / £10 (conc. £3)

If you are wheelchair user, would like to book a free ticket for a companion or carer, or have any other access requirements you would like to discuss with us, please call 01473 216 545


Richard DeDomenici - a white man with a full brown beard and a bleached blonde Mohican hairstyle. He has blue glitter in his beard

Richard DeDomenici visits the Think Tank to talk about growing up and making art in the east of England, occasionally getting mistaken for Robin Deacon, and what not to do when you become briefly famous.

An artist of complicated European descent who specialises in backward solutions for a progressive future, Richard DeDomenici is the inventor of the Carry-Ok wearable karaoke system, office chair sport The Swivelympics, and crocheted crypto-currency Knitcoin.

His Redux Project, reshooting sections of Hollywood films in their original locations, was adapted for for television as part of the BBC4 event Live From Television Centre. It was described by a journalist as “one of the smartest, strangest, most subversive half hours of television” they had ever seen.

Think Tank Live events start with a performance or presentation from our featured artist, followed by a Q&A session hosted by our Artistic Director, Robin Deacon. Stick around afterwards for drinks and chat.


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